And we are back with the first podcast episode of 2022 and another year-end round up episode talking real talk about the healing lessons learning in 2021.
This will be the fourth year my dear friend Artist Nichole Rae and I share with you our biggest lessons from the past year and what our intentions are for the year to come. And this year we are joined by our other wise friend, past podcast guest, and the designer of this very website, Ashley Dedin Carlson.
As finding a quiet space to record a podcast when you have little ones around is quite the challenge, we actually recorded this episode in Ashley's bathtub. Yup, we are that cool and that close of friends.
So I hope you enjoy our bathtub chat as we share about:
accepting the stories our bodies tell
how self-acceptance comes before self-love
the importance of seeking out how much pleasure and joy you can feel
postpartum rage and exploring anger
embracing the victories big and small
undoing the layers of body image issues
how to be more Betty...RIP Betty White
and more!
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Show Notes: