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Preparing For Hibernation

The air is getting crisper. The days are getting shorter. And the last of the leaves are falling. The winter season is soon upon us, and it’s time to start slowing down and tucking in.

Some of you may live in an area without the traditional four seasons, but you may still be getting the urge to cozy up for winter in your own way. Every region has its own version of the seasons.

So let me help guide you along this seasonal transition. It can be quite a startling one, so here are some ways to prepare and support yourself for the winter months to come.

Fall Cleaning

The major season change from Winter to Spring can ignite the urge to clean, spruce things up, and clear out all of the stagnant energy.

But the major season change from Fall to Winter is also a prime time to clean up and ship out what isn’t needed. Because we tend to accumulate energy and dust and stuff more in the Winter, it is helpful to give ourselves a blank slate to start from.

Get rid of access stuff in the house. Store away things not needed. Prune down bushes and trees and clean up the yard and garden. Deep clean the house from the summer activities. Can or freeze or eat up the last of the summer’s bounty.

Create space for a new season of foods, activities, and decor.

Give Yourself Time to Rest

When the daylight decreases, our circadian rhythms also begin to change. Even with daylight savings time, our sleep cycles can get disturbed.

Be gentle on yourself during this time of transition. You may already sense your desire to want to go to bed a little earlier or sleep in a little later (or both!), so honor it.

Communicate with who you need to and start saying no to a few more things so you can have time to rest up a bit. And if you pay attention, you’ll know when this transition time is over and you can go back to operating on a little less sleep.

But the key is to give yourself the fuel you need to transition into Winter with ease.

Stay Grounded

Fall can be pretty hectic. Going back to school, gearing up for the holiday rush and end of year goals with work, and even the fall rituals of cleaning and getting ready for winter can add items to your to-do list.

To handle the fall flurry, it’s important to have grounding habits in place to keep us healthy and tuned in. Stick to your self-care practice. Do deep belly breathing whenever you find yourself feeling anxious and overwhelmed. Eat grounding seasonal foods like root vegetables and warming spices.

Take your favorite grounding practices seriously because they will serve you more than ever during this time of so much change.

Fall is a favorite season for many, including myself, and the preparation for Winter is part of the joy. It can be a therapeutic ritual to cleanse and say goodbye to summer as you welcome in the season of harvest and gathering and slowing down.

Instead of dreading the coming of Winter, enjoy the process of preparation and create the space for the things you really enjoy about the coming season.



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